Friday, October 19, 2012

New Release "Happy BEEday" Plus a FREEBIE

Designs by Snow Lady has a new kit out. Its called Happy "BEE"day. So cute and clever. The colors are great too because it could easily be used for a girl or a boy.
There is also a set alphas available to go with this colorful kit.
Here are my LOs that I created using this kit. 
I used this kit for two different speed scraps.
 For your FREEBIE....
I created a printable birthday card.
You have two options for downloading
a mailable option and a giftbag size
 Hurry to STS (Stuff to Scrap) to pick up this BEEday kit
It is available Oct 20th from Designs by Snow Lady.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Snow Lady is having a CT call

CT stand for *Creative Team*

When you are a CT for a designer you're given their new kits for free! In exchange you use it to create layouts, post it around various digi scraping websites, enable (promote) her products, and sometimes create a coordinating freebie using the products from the new kit. Misty, Snow Lady, is a fun and easy going designer to work for.
If you think you'd be interested in becoming a CT for Snow Day, check out her blog for the requirements that will be expected of you and instructions on how to apply.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October BAK at STS

Designs by Snow Lady has a kit set for STS' Oct  BAK
Its called
Monsters on Parade

Here are the two LOs I made used this fun Halloweenish kit.